People of ERSO: The main mission of Marina Kozlovskaya

Labor protection at the enterprise begins with the employee, and not with the manager, says Marina Kozlovskaya, head of the labor protection department of industrial safety and ecology of the UTZ of the ERSO holding.

You can write a lot of instructions, put video cameras everywhere, but if a person does not understand that life and health are in his own hands, then no warden with a conditional whip will help the case.

Involving employees in a safety culture Kozlovskaya calls her main mission. Otherwise, the “front” of the struggle to limit the impact of harmful factors on workers includes the development of programs, monitoring, risk assessment, workplace and working conditions.

A separate line is the provision of personal protective equipment (PPE) for those employed in production. Headphones for those who work near loud machines. Masks for welders. Respirators for workers with chemicals. As well as safety shoes, gloves, helmets, collective protective equipment, etc.

“According to the classification of a special assessment of working conditions, there are four classes of hazard,” says Marina Kozlovskaya. - These are the optimal, acceptable, harmful and dangerous classes. The first two allow you to work without consequences for the body. The harmful class is subdivided into several subclasses. Their gradation depends on how likely the onset of an occupational disease is and how reversible the health consequences are. It is forbidden to work in the fourth grade, if it is not about the elimination of natural disasters and other emergencies. There is no such class in "normal" production conditions.

The activities of the OHS department headed by Kozlovskaya are primarily aimed at prevention: providing employees with the most effective PPE will allow them to avoid injuries or occupational diseases. Over the past five years, the plant has not recorded a single case of serious injury to workers.

Prevention is also a fundamental factor for environmental protection - the second main area of \u200b\u200bthe department.

“Our task here is to control emissions and waste from the plant. If there is an excess in emissions, we give a signal to the appropriate service (for example, change the filter). Waste management includes collection and disposal.”

Large companies have long been following the "green" agenda, and the times when slags barbarously merged into rivers, seas or lakes have passed forever. Now the “headache” of ecologists has become the issue of rational waste disposal - companies should be selected that have licenses for the right to handle this or that type of waste, and with the exact functionality (transportation, processing, disposal, etc.).

“Another important factor in the green agenda is the separate collection of waste,” continues Marina Kozlovskaya. - We have factory standards, which spell out the requirements for the separate accumulation of paper, cardboard, polyethylene, plastic, glass. Garbage is sorted into separate containers and handed over for recycling.

Marina Kozlovskaya has been on guard for labor and the environment for five years. Before that, I studied as a teacher, a civil servant, worked as a credit manager, and a recruiter. Sometimes the path to the main mission is not fast ...

Люди ERSO Главная миссия Марины Козловской.jpg