Service maintenance of power electronic equipment

High-quality and affordable for the customer maintenance of imported high-voltage equipment for the whole period of operation
High-quality and affordable for the Customer maintenance of high-voltage equipment, both own and imported, during the entire service life, manufacture and supply of 35-550 kV gas-insulated switching equipment.

Provision of services on installation, commissioning, warranty and service maintenance of the supplied electrical equipment.

Catalogue of services and products:

  • Service of power transformers and reactors

    - Diagnostics

    - Medium repair

    - Overhaul
  • Switching equipment service

    - Working with gas

    - High-voltage testing

    - Warranty extension
  • Comprehensive turnkey electrical facility service
  • Outsourcing service for power facility operation
  • 35-550 kV GIS cells
  • Outdoor 110-220 kV GIS cells
  • Generator circuit breakers and generator sets with vacuum and gas-insulated chambers for currents 63-160 kA
  • Circuit breakers 35-550 kV
  • Disconnectors and earthing switches 35-550 kV