#ERSOPeople. How Artem Pavlov conquers heights without climbing to the top

A talented assembler strives to develop his skills to the maximum.

There is only one entry in the work book of the transformer assembler of the Moscow Electrozavod Artem Pavlov. Despite the specialty of an installer of radio-electronic equipment received at an educational institution, Artyom found himself in transformer engineering - his soul, as he says, did not lie and does not lie to another matter.

In February 2005, a young man came to the company after reading an ad in a newspaper. What a transformer was, he had no idea. As well as ideas about the size of machines that are assembled in production. This, according to Pavlov, made a strong impression on him.

The young specialist was offered to choose between one of the stages of assembling the units. Artem chose the one he liked more - the second one.

“Working with a “magnet” seemed too monotonous to me,” says the transformer builder. - On the second, more operations are performed, they are more interesting: this is a winding attachment, and soldering, and much more. Moreover, I learned to solder, I can and love to do it.

Over time, the professionalism of the specialist grew. True, there was not always something to “pump” it on: before the acquisition of AFK Sistema, the plant used to be left without orders for a month. Now, Pavlov continues, the flow of production does not dry out, which allows the assembler to remain in qualifying "form".

At the moment, Artem Pavlov is the owner of the sixth, highest professional category. The 39-year-old transformer builder calls his life goal the maximum development of his skills. What about career steps?

“Not for me,” Artem laughs. — I like to do something myself at the assemblies, I like to work with my hands. I have occupied my, one might say, niche.

According to Pavlov, if he is offered a position, for example, a master, he will not agree to replace it. Although for this he has all the ingredients: talent, responsibility, diligence. This is what his colleagues say about Artem. But horizontal “growth” is more important for Pavlov. There are peaks to be conquered here.

Люди ERSO. Как Артем Павлов покоряет высоту, не подымаясь на вершину.jpg