How transformers and reactors are tested at ERSO

The equipment is subjected to serious checks at each stage of assembly.

The presence of high-voltage halls at ERSO's production sites does not mean that test engineers are only busy "shooting" lightning into transformers and reactors in the last days before shipment. These specialists "lead" products from the very beginning, testing them at various stages of technological processes.

“Tests are carried out at all three stages of equipment assembly,” explains Nikolai Volodin, head of the test station at the Moscow Electrozavod. - At the first assembly, they are carried out in production, in the assembly shop. On the second - after the installation of electrical outlets and switching devices. Further, after passing through all the technological processes, the equipment enters the high-voltage hall, where we conduct acceptance or periodic tests. PSI pass all products without exception.

The list of parameters that each piece of equipment must comply with is quite extensive. The list includes DC resistance, no-load experience and loss, short circuit experience and loss, etc.

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Impulse tests are a separate line: full lightning impulse, cut off lightning and switching. Such "examinations" are arranged at high-voltage stations. Although such premises at the holding’s production sites are quite different from each other, their functionality is absolutely identical - both there and there, roughly speaking, lightning is generated, which is used to test transformers and reactors for “resistance”.

“The equipment under test is installed next to the impulse voltage generator, an individual circuit is assembled,” says Volodin. “When everything is ready, one operator turns on the voltage, while the second operator takes an oscillogram on the computer, checking the unit for compliance with GOST.”

In simple terms, the equipment must withstand lightning impulses, short circuits and power surges. Without this, its trouble-free operation at the facility is impossible. According to Volodin, tests run from one to three units per week.

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